Um, welcome to Kuno's Excellent Adventure. No I'm not the origional author, rather someone who found it and one day later turned it into this. The origional author is Space Pirate Bailesu. You can visit his page Here. I give credit where credit is due; this is his fault!... er um I mean it's his work. :)

I had to change a bit of stuff, particularly at the end, but it was orgionally someone else's effort. And I only changed it so that it works out; it didn't make any sense origionally.
I've only changed a few major things. For one, I changed names he spelled ou (i.e. Kunou) and changed it to the favorable o (i.e. Kuno). I completely fixed the ending with the salt and who got salted and where it is, which was previously messed up. And then I reinstated a left off ending that the author was going to add but aparently never got around to. I also added my own very hidden ending, but you probably won't find it, ;)

So without further ado, I present to you...

Kuno's Excellent Adventure!