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As opposed to bringing you every quoted word that has graced the Stove's news page, there will be a timeline of important events and when they occurred. More recent news can be found in the news section.

- 4-09-01
- Mega Man Dressup added!
- 3-28-01
- Interview thrown together at the last minute posted
- 3-15-01
- Majuuou review posted
- 3-04-01
- Salamando's Stove Online (SS issue 7) posted, a huuuuge motherfucker.
- 2-18-01
- Death of Zero Wing posted, bringing undue attention! Horray for undue attention!
- 2-01-01
- What You Say, Vestalman?! finally posted
- 1-22-01
- 1-05-01
- Hentai Wrestler posted
- 12-24-00
- Interview thrown together at the last minute posted
- 12-23-00
- 20,000 hits
- 12-13-00
- The Death of Aeris posted
- 12-08-00
- Kart Fighter review posted
- 12-06-00
- Salamando's Stove Issue 6 posted
- 11-28-00
- Games We Probably Won't Review posted
- 11-2-00
- Ergheiz review posted
- 9-8-00
- Interview with Hobo Chocobo posted
- 8-27-00
- Logos Panic review posted!
- 8-21-00
- Parasite Eve crapped out
- 8-16-00
- Final Fantasy III review posted
- 8-13-00
- World Heroes 2 review posted
- 8-10-00
- Barbie Super Model review posted
- 8-3-00
- Go Go Ackman 3 review posted
- 7-30-00
- Vandal~Hearts review posted
- 7-24-00
- On Trial - Megaman Weapons posted
- 7-21-00
- Mega Man IV review posted
- 7-18-00
- Princess Maker 2 review posted
- 7-16-00
- Air Fortress review posted
- 7-14-00
- Salamando's Stove Fifth Issue (June) posted
- 7-11-00
- Battle of Lovers review posted
- 7-06-00
- Legend of Legaia review posted
- 6-29-00
- Interview with Nall posted
- 6-11-00
- Salamando's Stove unveils new layout!
- 5-26-00
- Salamando's Stove reaches 10,000 hits!
- 5-25-00
- Final Fantasy Anthology review posted
- 5-22-00
- Wild ARMs review posted
- 5-19-00
- Salamando's Stove Fourth Issue (May) posted
- 5-15-00
- Salamando's Stove moves from RedRival to Evk's computer. The page remains on RedRival, but only as a redirect service.
- 5-10-00
- Salamando's Stove uses free domain registration to make use of salamando.net!
- 5-03-00
- Worst Castlevania Enemy article posted
- 4-30-00
- On Trial: Even More FF Job Classes article posted
- 4-30-00
- Sissy Fight review posted
- 4-29-00
- Um Jammer Lammy review posted
- 4-26-00
- Xenogears: Big Mechs, Bad Voiceacting; review posted
- 4-25-00
- Floating, Talking Salamando added
- 4-25-00
- Lame excuse for not posting anything in a week, bitching about school.
- 4-18-00
- Salamando Radio FAQ posted.
- 4-16-00
- Article on the New Tetris posted.
- 4-13-00
- Salamando's Stove Third Issue (April)
- 4-11-00
- Article Megaman 8: Adventures in Super-Cuteness posted.
- 4-11-00
- Z gets an editorial posted in The Mushroom's Legit section.
- 4-11-00
- Back from the Medieval Faire, posted 5 comics
- 4-07-00
- Article on Pocket Fighter posted.
- 4-06-00
- Article on Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo posted.
- 4-03-00
- Article posted correcting many mistakes we had made inadvertantly.
- 4-05-00
- Megaman X theme launched, last change to the old layout.
- 4-03-00
- Customization added to the page, severely adding to the already crippling loading time.
- 4-02-00
- Added the poll history so you can view old polls and their results. Polls hypothetically become weekly events, though it's blatantly untrue.
- 3-31-00
- Interview With the Summoners article posted.
- 3-30-00
- The Bar Job feature added. Huzzah, we've planned that since day 1!
- 3-27-00
- Megaman X4 review posted. Mmm mmm good.
- We get rid of the ad banner, because it was generating very very few hits.
- 3-27-00
- The quiz changed to concern the page layout. In the end, I lied and actually redid the entire layout.
- 3-21-00
- Layout changed back to original Secret of Mana theme. Poll added changed to poll people about the poll. Also, Moogs broke 1200 lines in one game of The New Tetris.
- 3-20-00
- On Trial - More FF Job Classes posted by popular demand.
- 3-16-00
- Evk's Naughty Adventure added! :O Scandalous!
- 3-12-00
- Syper Wrestle Angels feature added, later a review
- 3-11-00
- Parappa the Rapper FAQ posted. Many people laugh.
- 3-11-00
- We fell in the X-Zone and didn't post for a while. 2 weeks in fact. OOPS. The page layout changed to a Tetris
- 2-??-00
- Other miscellaneous pages added: Bad Trip, Evk: A Poem, and For Everlasting Peace.
- 2-29-00
- The Adventures of Cyan posted in the style of Meklor Craziness.
- 4-05-00
- 3-30-00
Attack theme too. Eww!
- 2-27-00
- Crayon Shinchan 2 review added as feature, later an article
- 2-24-00
- Salamando's Stove Second Issue (March) added
- 2-19-00
- 5000 hits graphic added. We love Arch Nerd day celebrated in Kasumi Handjob, Nicchan City, Evk City, Port Poon, and Murond.
- 2-18-00
- We get 5000 hits! Quite the stepping-stone.
- 2-15-00
- Salamando Radio gets a static URL, http://sradio.2y.net:8000
- 2-13-00
- FF8: The Flip Side posted, concluding a lot of FF8 postings.
- 2-10-00
- On Trial - FF8 OSV part 2 posted.
- 2-08-00
- Weird article, Dancing Queen, posted.
- 2-07-00
- Redrival moves, the page gets shut down for 2 days.
- 2-06-00
- On Trial - FF8 OSV part 1 posted
- 2-01-00
- Review of Final Fantasy 8 posted
- 1-28-00
- Salamando's Stove 1st issue is sent out, curious correlation between Brunching Shuttlecocks's Electoral Collage and certain old comics we had done.
- 1-24-00
- Miracle Girls review added as a feature, later a review
- 1-19-00
- Newsletter added, promises of monthly gayness excite the masses. More info at the newsletter section.
- 1-19-00
- Public forum on the message boards about direction of the stove. Total of 3 people participate. G'ahhh.
- 1-18-00
- Evk's ISP gets a cable cut during a snowstorm, Salamando Radio goes down 3 days.
- 1-17-00
- Salamando's Stove First Issue (February) added.
- 1-17-00
- Even more message history craziness
- 1-09-00
- 'Net surveys put up in misc/personal sections
- 1-06-00
- On Trial- Recurring FF Themes posted
- 1-03-00
- The Script Shredder part 2 added
- 12-25-99
- Exerps from Evk and WrexSoul's message history posted
- 12-17-99
- Q&A guys feature added.
- 12-16-99
- Funny but short article, Sage Words from the Fighter posted.
- 12-09-99
- The first On Trial, over Final Fantasy Job Classes posted.
- 11-??-99
- Aria di Profondità Saturate added
- 11-30-99
- Tiny bit of customization added for use of the 'info bar' and font size.
- 11-28-99
- (Semi-)permanent home found on RedRival.com. We move into redrival.com/salamando/
- 11-26-99
- Kuno's Excellent Adventure added. Whee!
- 11-23-99
- Longwinded rant about people getting us kicked off of XOOM and trying to get us kicked off of Redrival. Soon we find who the real bitc- erm, culprit is.
- 11-20-99
- Icons added to Features. Later changed to a download section.
- 11-11-99
- Review of Soul Calibur posted.
- 11-11-99
- Rant about school, promising of random updates.
- 11-10-99
- The page is kicked the second time from XOOM.com. We send our death robots to retrieve the heads of the CEOs, only to find abysmal failure. Temporary haven on freeservers.com.
- 10-30-99
- Funky Parappa C Rapper thing added for nerds.
- 10-24-99
- JavaScript maze added as a feature.
- 10-16-99
- Article on Klondike Solitaire posted, Minute-Review style.
- 9-??-99
- Added personal sections, now reduced to just Evk and WrexSoul
- 9-29-99
- Editorial about Secret of Evermore posted. And boy does it stink.
- 9-27-99
- The Script Shredder added. The masses cheer.
- 9-23-99
- Minute Review of WWF Attitude posted.
- 9-20-99
- Making Comics feature added. Only redeeming factor to its boringness is new comics
- 9-13-99
- Minute Review of Chrono Trigger
- 9-13-99
- Linked to articles about the PS2.
- 8-??-99
- Added personal sections, now reduced to just Evk and WrexSoul
- 8-29-99
- Message Boards/Poll added. Huzzah, further on our way toward the original goal.
- 8-24-99
- Added Xeon as a 'staff member.' Back then all that meant was he wrote an article.
- 8-23-99
- Xeon posts his first review, a minute review of Dragonball GT: Final Bout.
- 8-21-99
- Minute Review - Secret of Mana posted
- 8-20-99
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night review posted.
- 8-19-99
- First Minute Review, Illusion of Gaia posted.
- 8-19-99
- Linked to some dreamcast articles. pleh.
- 8-19-99
- Rant about what I was hoping for from the page. I bitch about people who don't help, give up on links idea.
- 8-14-99
- Report a few pages, mostly ones that suck. Realize the idea is going nowhere fast.
- 8-14-99
- Try idea of scouring search engines for video game pages. Turn up mostly shit.
- 8-12-99
- Added a page for 800x600 users. Found it a pain in the ass to update. (now the page is always ok for 800x600)
- 8-10-99
- Second feature, and still one of my favorites, the Upcoming RPG Title Generator Added
- 8-10-99
- Linked to VERGE. Whee
- 8-10-99
- Attempt to have site coverage/news as a feature/pull. I'm glad we abandoned this.
- 8-09-99
- LORD - Legend of the Red Dragon review posted.
- 8-09-99
- I linked some shit because it seemed like the thing to do at the time.
- 8-09-99
- I linked Zany VG Quotes
- 8-08-99
- Lunar: The Silver Star Story, our first article, is posted. Huzzah!
- 8-08-99
- Even more linking frenzy! Boy that was just a lot of linking.
- 8-08-99
- Salamando Radio opens and is in business! Huzzah! WrexWradio retired.
- 8-07-99
- Very first original content offered by the Stove: The Choose Your Own Cliché RPG!
- 8-07-99
- Linked my first article ever, some Hisotry of Streetfighter thing I wandered into.
- 8-07-99
- Trying to relay news to the VG audience, I didn't realize that it would be a lot of work and I could never do it as efficiently as those huge shitty VG news/potal pages that all suck.
- 8-06-99
- Grand-opening of Salamando's Stove! With little more than a wing and a prayer, some animated stove graphics, a feature and an article, I started down the path of VG homepage-ness. Boy it all sucked back then but we didn't care!
- 8-06-99
- Long rant about the creation of the page, which can be found in the history of the Stove.
Salamando's Stove is all a big ol' ©1999-2000 Zach Francks and Nick Hammer.