Surprise: You clicked reviews, you got reviews!
Reviews are where we - SURPRISE - review games. Yeah I bet you did'nt see that coming. Click on a link to the left, read, and send us some feedback or don't. If you disagree with a rating we gave a game then feel free to sit on it and rotate. We're probably right anyway.
What exactly makes our reviews different? Let's take a look at the facts then:
- We don't give every game, no matter how mediocre, a 7.
- We don't mind badmouthing a game, even if everyone else thinks it's the L33T3ST MAD PHAT BITCHIN game out there. That is, if we don't like it.
- We don't contradict ourselves
- We cover interesting Japanese roms
- Colorfull euphamisms + expressions
- We're interesting/funny
SALAMANDO'S STOVE HAS BEEN CAPTURED BY NINJAS! ARE YOU BAD ENOUGH TO SUBMIT REVIEWS? We take submissions by people if you feel like doing such a thing. No guarantees on what we DO with submissions, but that's expected, isn't it?