It's like- Whoa, articles!
Articles are stuff that isn't interactive and isn't a review. Crap that ends up here is usually random stuff about a game, and as such you should read them and then mabye send us some money or maids.
Articles are long documents full of words. To use an article, click on the name of the article you wish to read, then read all the words. Easy and fun. If you don't think our articles are good feel free to go fuck yourself or your parents.
Ah, the summoners. When not beating up me or Cloud, they answer questions sent in by you, our readership. If you're wondering how we can afford them, the answer is Alan Greenspan. Thank you for keeping the unemployment rate at 8%, Alan!
On Trial is basically where we go through and pick out aspects of a game or games that we like or dislike and explain why. It has a rating system that goes from zero stoves (you'd rather bathe in Perdition's flames) to five stoves (you'd rather experience this than bang the maid), with all the various in-betweens.